Freyr: My God of devotion: savior of souls, not after our deaths, but before them.
You show us how to choose a life that is worth living over one that misspends itself denying or delaying the inevitability of death.
You are the God of the wild who chooses to be tamed, preferring to sow your oats in a furrowed field where they will one day feed your children.
You show us that it is worthwhile to forfeit our shallow illusion of freedom, and the isolation and destruction that accompany it, than ignore the plight of those we love, encouraging us to choose meaning over excitement, fullfillment over heroics, love over security.
You teach us that true freedom is the ability to use our gifts to make our lives places of love, joy, and commitment, rather than searching endlessly for rumored harvests we never bothered to sow.
Your cycles bring us to our zeniths, then reduce us to ash, only to rebuild us once again, not better or stronger, but perhaps wiser.
You show us the beauty in decay and the sadness in meaningless ascension. You are the God of our natures, our eternity, teaching us not to fight ourselves, but to relax into the comforting waves of our glories and our failures: to fight when we must, relax when we can, and soak in every poignant moment, wether it holds ecstary or despair, as if it is our last, because it might be.
Freyr: My God of devotion: savior of souls, not after our deaths, but before them.