drowning in love and terror
your blue eyes looked into mine
smashing worlds, shattering theories
my life fell in shards at your feet
I wanted to give you the world
willing to pay any price
I threw away my possessions
clarity, friends, self-esteem
bleeding, I thought I served you
I wanted to give you my love
wishing to lay down my life for you,
I noticed that i needed to take it up
sword in hand, I slashed away
slaying the dragon of my circumstance
I wanted to give you joy
In search of a new domain
I stood on another’s foundation
effectually vanquishing the foe
my victory never came
I wanted to give you security
running through a field of alternatives
I dragged you through tall sharp grass
grateful, but mystified
as you grasped love’s wildflowers
I wanted to give you community
we stand together on a rock
a mile off shore
waves crashing around us
Now how will I build you a home?